Prints are available on paper and canvas wrap with a black 1 3/4” edge. All paper images and canvas wrap images are printed on archival material.

If you're interested in purchasing images, please include the following details in the MESSAGE box of the contact form.

1.The unique LETTER/NUMBER reference of the image.

2.Your choice of PAPER PRINT or CANVAS WRAP. (Canvas wrap prints do not require framing.)

3.The SIZE of the print. (Each image is a unique size. Prices are based on the longest dimension of the print.)

Please pick from the following three options for print size:

24” (Long side) Paper print: $175 Canvas wrap: $575

36” (Long side) Paper print: $325 Canvas wrap: $900

48” (Long side) Paper print: $475 Canvas wrap: $1150

I will reply by email with a thumbnail to confirm your choice and give you the precise dimensions of the finished print before your order is finalized.